Sunday, October 12, 2008

Gutting and more...

Just realized this was done on Sunday but never got actually put onto the blog. Sorry for the delay.

Today our job was mainly to gut homes. It was a pretty good day. We worked on the first house for most of the day. Towards the end of the day some friends of the owner stopped by and expressed her (the owner's) thanks.

Then we went and began clearing out a home directly across from the Cedar river. The property (in and outside) is in desperate need for clean up. The home itself is absolutely covered with mold.

We only had time to do the outside and to haul some of the things from inside (couch and other furniture, personal items etc. so that with luck gutting can begin tomorrow.

Because we the job ended a bit early we decided to go visit some of the homes we had done in July. The results were mixed.

None of the four main houses we did are yet lived in. The main reason according to the owners is that they do not know what the city is going to do with the area near Czech Village. Some fear it will be razed while others are just waiting for a new higher levee to be built.

Chris (the first house) was the most upbeat. He seems to be ready to meet whatever happened, but was hopeful it would happen sooner rather than later.

We then went uphill a few streets and met were just slowly driving by the final home we worked on and Jan saw the van and came running out to say hi. They are not yet back in the home but will be soon (in fact their cat appears to be living there now).

No one was home at the other homes.

As for today, we have more pictures up here.

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