October 5-9, 2007
As you know this came up pretty quickly, so details are still being worked out but here are a few more updates:
* We will leave after classes on Friday October 5th. We will return on the 9th. You can come for any portion of this.
* Cost of the trip until September 25th
From SBU $50 (this is for food and transportation).
If you meet us there, $25. (note this is mainly for tools and supplies so it will be the same for all, even if you are only there for a part of the trip).
This money is non refundable.
After the September 25th, the price will be $70 from SBU and $40 respectively.
T-shirts will be for sale $12, Sweatshirts $30.
* You can come for any part of the trip.
* It is open to all! So tell your friends (and alumni!!) from Ohio to come out and help too!
* Non Bona Students must be 18 or older unless you are with a parent.
All volunteers must fill out pages 2 and 3 of this form.
All Bona students must fill out this form. (it requires a parent signature so please plan accordingly!)
(the forms will be available at the Monday 8pm meeting and also outside of Mur 231).
* All participants must have had a tetanus shot in the past 5 years.
* Sleeping accommodations will be quite primitive. You will need a sleeping bag, work clothes (Boots, work clothes, gloves, etc).
We suggest you bring some snack items (for instance granola bars, power bars, fruit, etc). Also cameras, toiletries, cell phone charger, flash light etc. As a reference, consider the conditions like Biloxi six months after Katrina. So here is the list we recommended then.
* This cost is being subsidized by BonaResponds. The actual cost per volunteer is much higher. So donations will be gladly accepted to help defray the cost being incurred by BonaResponds. We will need to buy several hundred dollars of tools. So if you can't go, you can still help. Make checks to St. Bonaventure with a memo to BonaResponds. Mail to BonaResponds, Box BY, St. Bonaventure NY 14778.
* Organize friends, church members, team members, or just a small group to come with us.
* Transportation is going to be difficult. We are getting at least one University Van, but if you can drive, that would be great. If you agree to take 3 or more other volunteers, we will even pay your gas!
* There will be a meeting at 8pm on Monday September 23 in Murphy Aud. We understand many of you may be coming from a far, so if you can not make the meeting but want to go, email us at BonaResponds@sbu.edu.
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