Saturday, December 19, 2009

BonaResponds' volunteer in the news

A nice article on Kacey Weafer who has volunteered with us in MS and TX.

SCITUATE AROUND TOWN: A great note from Crowley - Scituate, MA - Scituate Mariner:
"In October, Katherine Weafer, daughter of San and Kevin Weafer of Scituate, began work on her first service project of the year with the National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC), an AmeriCorps program. Katherine is working with the Crown King Fire Department in Crown King, Ariz., and the team’s focus is on wild land fire prevention....“I chose to do a term of national service after participating in my university's community service program, Bona Responds,” she said. “I had done two relief trips to Mississippi after Katrina as well as Galveston, Texas, and saw what people went through and wanted to give back.”

Way to go Kacey!

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