Thursday, March 04, 2010

Some of the Best (most important) Haiti tweets I saw today.

Some of the Best (most important) Haiti tweets I saw today.

Sanitation innovations in #Haiti -@CatholicRelief experts create footpump prototype w/ local materials

It rained hard in PAP last night for over 2 hrs and there were some very strong winds.

Talk about bad luck
10:14am, Mar 04 from TweetDeck Resettled #Haitian family in Chile rocked by second quake in two months

MSF_USA 9:54am, Mar 04 from TweetDeck This is the Clerge family, struggling to survive in Haiti after the EQ. Story:

CRSnews 12:05pm, Mar 04 from HootSuite Update from @CatholicRelief on conditions in #Haiti's Petionville camp: video chat w/ CBC (skip to minute 42:00)

11:41pm, Mar 04 from Web #Haiti: Haitians Still Await Tents/Toilets as Rains Approach:

HaitiLiveFeeds 12:34am, Mar 04 from TweetDeck Haiti port capacity boosted, repairs advancing:

USAforHaiti 11:11pm, Mar 03 from Web It should be the responsibility of every NGO / Aid org there to ensure a brighter future for#Haiti than they had before the quake. IMHO

USAforHaiti 11:11pm, Mar 03 from Web It should be the responsibility of every NGO / Aid org there to ensure a brighter future for#Haiti than they had before the quake. IMHO

CrisisMappers 12:18am, Mar 05 from Web Relief 2.0. There are not tent cities in #Haiti. There are sheet cities with more than 100,000 people. @DocGurley @relief20#rlf2haiti

howardjkoepka 9:19pm, Mar 04 from Echofon In case u didn't see it this AM- no matter how tired I am here in #Haiti this keeps me going... Meet Sara!

lightxxx 8:56pm, Mar 04 from Web am sitting in the sewage in the slums of citi solei haiti and i wouldn't want to be any where else in the entire world. #haiti

12:41am, Mar 05 from twitterfeed Dept. of Unintended Consequences, HaitiEdition - Freakonomics ...: But only a tiny fraction of that money is bei...

12:59am, Mar 05 from TweetDeck Inside the displaced persons camps in Port-au-Prince:
(My favorite (ok least favorite!) line in this is how the children (many of who have not been given food) have been counted so many times that they "play census".)

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