Friday, April 30, 2010

Our Crutches in Haiti? I think so!

As we get ready to send our next shipment of crutches and other supplies (remember we are also sending used computers--they will be fixed up, all memory swapped out etc, tents, school supplies, and soccer balls in addition to collecting money for food), Pete of CYC found this picture of what looks like some of the crutches we donated last time getting to Haiti.

"The Portlight Relief Team unloads crutches shipped from Portlight's warehouse in Atlanta to a staging area at University Quisqeya, Port-au-Prince, Haiti. The relief team consists of ten Haitians being coordinated by Haitian-American Richard Lumarque, Portlight's on-site coordinator in Haiti. The relief team has been working full-time over the past week doing aid work."

Wow. What a find!

It is about 3/4 of the way down this Wunderblog site that does weather and other things.

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