Monday, September 12, 2011

Post-Irene Mold Remediation Resources | Living the Dream

Post-Irene Mold Remediation Resources | Living the Dream:

For those who have been flooded out, here is a report on how to deal with mold. Be sure to read it. It is a study done by friend of mine on homes we helped work on in Mississippi. (the Hope VI homes for those of you on the trips)

"For a presentation on the Hope VI experiment, a comprehensive test of the efficacy of different methods of mold removal in post-Katrina Coastal Mississippi conducted in 2006, please click here.

For complete instructions on the 4-step low cost process that Hands On Gulf Coast used with high success, please click here."


SHORT version:

Gut, use wire brushes to remove visible (and invisible) spores (griding), vacuum, wipe down, prime.

I will say it can be tedious work, but this study shows it works much better than bleach alone.

Scaping mold

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