The show must go on! Yes there is much work to continue to go on in the NYC area (look for an announcement later today on that), but remember before Sandy hit we had a full job list both near and far, so as they say, the Show (and Work) must go on!
We will tackle some of those local jobs this Sunday. The main job will be to install fencing to increase the number of dogs outside at the SPCA Enchanted Mountain Adoption center from 3 to 9. This has been started (posts have been installed for the next three "dog runs" and plans for the remainder are in place.
(prior to Sandy here is what we wrote this about it:
"BonaResponds aims always to make lasting impacts. That is why it is always encouraging to go by a ramp that we built being used, or hearing from a family that was able to move back into their house as a result of our actions. This weekend we started another of these far reaching jobs with the creation new dog play areas/runs at the SPCA (Enchanted Mountain Adoption Center) just North of Olean. When we are done, five more dogs will be able to be outside at any given time. To someone who has not been there, it may be small, but seriously this is huge: every day, when we are out doing other things, many more dogs will be able to get out of their small kennels and be outside. Yes it is a costly project (when this portion is complete it will have cost BonaResponds between $1000-$1500), but I have a tough time thinking of a more lasting job. (if you want to help support this by volunteering and/or donating, we'd LOVE the help!!)"
Additionally we have multiple wheelchair ramp job requests locally. So while we are not quite ready to tackle them yet (want the SPCA finished), we will take advantage of the good weather forecast and at least frame some ramp sections made that we can move later to where we will be building the ramps.
We are also still collecting school supplies for the Spring semester in Haiti (we shipped 19 barrels and two pallets for the fall semester) and need some volunteers to:
- Ship out shoes to Soles4Souls. We have hundred collected (most during the WarmSnugglyBlanket day on September 29th) but they have yet to be shipped.
- Deliver the food donations to the local food pantry.
- If anyone is going to Rockaway from Olean area this week, we would like a small shipment of tools and some signage/forms to go to the "tool library" at Mike's on 121st.
- Deliver and mail out WarmSnugglyBlankets.
- Once the above are done, clean and organize our storage room.
- Chain saw training: there are a few trees on the East Side of campus that have fallen down and need to be cut up. This is a great chance to get trained so that when disaster does strike you will be able to help with tree removal.
Update: signup form:
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