Friday, April 26, 2013

BR News of the Week


* Last weekend we had a good weekend of work at the SPCA and starting a new ramp near Allegany.  Both jobs were really needed! 

* The SPCA work this past weekend went well.  Major improvement.  The back area where the fences had been destroyed by pigs is notw fixed so for the first time in years dogs can use the area for a play area.  The SPCA still needs help.  If you can stop and volunteer, it would be great!  Take a dog for a walk, play with the cats, or help clean the facilities!  Can’t do that?  How about buying some items from their Amazon Wish List:

* Katherine has not been able to be outside since autumn because she could not get back up the stairs to her house.  We will be building a ramp for her this weekend.  We'd love your help!  The ramp will be pretty straight forward: straight shot for the ramp and then installation of new steps on the rear of the house for an emergency exit (Katherine can not go up stairs, but says she is able to get down them in an emergency.)  (work will be at 10:30 on Saturday and 11:00 on Sunday from the rear of Murphy on the west side of campus)

* It is with great sadness I report that Michelle passed away this week.  She was a Warm SnugglyBlanket recipient and is the mother of Brittany (an MBA student at SBU).  Our thoughts and prayers are with Brittany and the whole family.  

* Speaking of WarmSnugglyBlankets, we now has a full time “presence” in Harlingen Texas!  Jim and Wende are helping to distribute blankets to those with cancer.  This week Gail got one.  What a trooper!  She is undergoing chemo for brain cancer and this week not only was a lector at Church services, she also is planning on doing a walk to raise money to find a cure for cancers in La Feria Texas.  Gail, way to go!  Pray, Fight, WIN

* To introduce some of our newer followers to BonaResponds so we began a new vlog on Youtube.  Here is one episode.  When there enjoy some of the other BR videos as well!

* We also are doing blog articles for those of you who prefer to read:

* The trailer (truck body) has yet to arrive, so the ramp and landing on that is on hold until we get it.  Hopefully very soon.

* Want to make a fast difference in someone’s life?  Send a get well card to :

Kori Quinn, 111 Highland Park Ave, Excelsior Springs Missouri 64024   We sent her a blanket this week.  She is a high school student who is fighting cancer.  We have been in touch with a friend of hers who is organizing a card drive.  So send a card.  It will be appreciated!

* New Job requests this week from Olean (painting), Allegany-clean up, and Delevan (ramp).  Come get involved!  Sat 10:30, Sunday 11:00. 

SHOES!  --  Our collection of shoes for Soles4Souls is winding down.  So when you whether you are doing spring cleaning or moving home for the summer, drop off your lightly worn used shoes in the collection boxes upstairs in Murphy.  

School Supplies--  With the school year winding down and people will soon be cleaning out their lockers and offices, we’d love to ship your slightly used notebooks, pens, pencils, calculators, crayons, etc to students in Haiti and the US.  Why do they need them?  Here watch this video Jim made:

Winter Coats: these will be largely going to Little Portions (a homeless shelter in Buffalo).  

Books!-- We are collecting books for a friend in NYC.  Here is how she described her program:

“I tutor math at a middle school on Saturdays with the organization Top Honors, Inc.. While they focus on math, a fellow tutor and I are building a complementary reading program. Our Fall 2013 pilot will provide a healthy breakfast of fruit and toast to these students while a tutor reads to them. When the student finishes eating, the roles swap and he/she reads to the tutor. Then the students are ready for their math lessons!

We started this project because we notice that some of the 'math problems' our students face actually fall into one or both of these buckets:

a - Kids come in without breakfast, so their sugar levels are out of whack. OR, they eat super-processed foods in the morning and range from hyperactive to sleepy during tutoring.

b - Every time I work on word problems with a student, he/she stumbles on the vocabulary in the sentence or I notice a ton of spelling errors.

So we want to tackle this problem from all sides. Based on the pilot outcomes, we'll scale to a full curriculum. But the focus is on starting small and iterating from there (for any fellow tech fans who believe in Agile!). If you have any old books in the 5th to 8th grade reading range”
Here is a list of books they are particularly looking for:

* THANK You to Allie for writing thank yous to our wonderful donors!  It was a great help and something I should have been doing right along--just not enough time in the day.

* Thank you to Olean First Baptist Church for a donation of over a thousand dollars to help with Sandy recovery efforts as well as the First Congregational Church in Wellsville for a $1000 to help cover the cost of the ramp in Cuba.  

* Thank you to Rick and Allie for attending the scholarship luncheon and representing BR so well!

* Look for a job soon in Buffalo.  

* Tentative dates for the NYC trip are May 17-25th.  Plan on helping those affected by Sandy recover!

Thanks everyone!  Have a great week.  Hope you can come out and volunteer with us!  


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