Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Bob's Woods

Much of the trail created with the HODR donated saws.
Originally uploaded by FinanceProfessor.
One of this past week's projects was working on Bob's Woods. This set of pictures shows some of the work (over the past couple of years) that volunteers have put into this project.

It is named after the late Father Bob Stewart who died in 2001 of cancer at the age of 51.

The area is mainly from by the softball fields to over near Gargoyle Park to the east. This weekend we also began work on the West side of campus which while smaller, will also make a more convenient place for a short hike, ride, or escape from the stress of the day. The West side is NOT open yet. Stay tuned.

Also be sure to see this link describing Bob's Woods in more detail including some video of the opening back in October of 2007.

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